University of Pennsylvania
/ Free Museum of Science and Art
Quantity: 14 items
069.96; 069.225
Church of the Epiphany
/ Church of the Epiphany
Quantity: 1 item
University of Pennsylvania
/ Weightman Hall and Playing Fields
Quantity: 8 items
University of Pennsylvania
/ Weightman Hall and Playing Fields
Quantity: 2 items
069.181.1 - 069.181.2
University of Pennsylvania
/ Weightman Hall and Playing Fields
Quantity: 24 sheets
Wetherill, Samuel P.
/ Wetherill Residence
Quantity: 28 items
069.86; 069.99; 069.231
Wetherill, Samuel P.
/ Wetherill Residence
Quantity: 8 items
069.30; 069.244
Voorhees, Theodore
/ Voorhees Residence / Colony House
Quantity: 2 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, dormitory group, undergraduate
Quantity: 37 items
069.130.1 - 069.130.23; 069.174.1 - 069.174.14
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, dormitory group, undergraduate
Quantity: 112 items
069.69; 069.215
Yarnall, Charlton
/ Yarnall Residence
Quantity: 3 items
Yarnall, Charlton
/ Yarnall Residence
Quantity: 11 items
069.32; 069.244
Trinity Church
/ Trinity Church, Parish House and Rectory
Quantity: 21 items
069.73; 069.220
Trinity Church
/ Trinity Church, Parish House and Rectory
Quantity: 12 items
069.138.1 - 069.138.10; 069.179.1 - 069.179.2
Trinity Church
/ Trinity Church, Parish House and Rectory, additions and alterations
Quantity: 8 sheets
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Gymnasium
Quantity: 5 items
069.116.1 - 069.116.2; 069.209
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Dormitory Group
Quantity: 110 items
069.46-069.49; 069.93; 069.198
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Dormitory Group
Quantity: 31 items
069.104.1 - 069.104.3; 069.105.1 - 069.105.2; 069.106.1 - 069.106.6; 069.107.1 - 069.107.7; 069.108.1 - 069.108.2; 069.167.1 - 069.167.11
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Dormitory Group
Quantity: 35 sheets
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Isabella McCosh Infirmary
Quantity: 10 items
069.131.1 - 069.131.8; 069.176.1 - 069.176.2
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Isabella McCosh Infirmary
Quantity: 22 items
069.69; 069.215
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Liberal Arts Group
Quantity: 2 items
069.122.1 - 069.122.2
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Mining Building (old)
Quantity: 5 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Mining Building (old)
Quantity: 1 item
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Stock Pavilion
Quantity: 5 items
069.124.1 - 069.124.2; 069.214
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Cuyler Hall
Quantity: 15 items
069.69; 069.215
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Princeton Club (Quadrangle Club)
Quantity: 4 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Princeton Club (Quadrangle Club)
Quantity: 4 items
069.133.1 - 069.133.4
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Pyne Hall and Gymnasium
Quantity: 31 items
069.69; 069.215
Church of the Epiphany, Sherwood
/ Church of the Epiphany, Sherwood
Quantity: 11 sheets
Church of the Epiphany, Sherwood
/ Church of the Epiphany, Sherwood
Quantity: 18 items
069.43; 069.196
Church of the Epiphany, Sherwood
/ Church of the Epiphany, Sherwood
Quantity: 2 items
069.102.1; 069.102.2
New Haven Hospital
/ New Haven Hospital
Quantity: 7 items
069.119.1 - 069.119.2; 069.170.1 - 069.170.5
New Haven Hospital
/ New Haven Hospital
Quantity: 11 items
069.67; 069.212
New York University, University Heights Campus
/ New York University, University Heights Campus
Quantity: 5 items
069.120.1 - 069.120.5
New York University, University Heights Campus
/ New York University, University Heights Campus, Chemical Laboratory
Quantity: 4 items
069.171.1 - 069.171.4
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Chemical Building
Quantity: 11 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Chemical Building
Quantity: 1 item
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Dairy and Creamery building
Quantity: 12 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Liberal Arts Group
Quantity: 14 items
Rhode Island School of Design
/ Rhode Island School of Design, Textile Building
Quantity: 9 items
069.70; 09.216
Rhode Island School of Design
/ Rhode Island School of Design, Textile Building
Quantity: 8 items
069.135.1 - 069.135.4; 069.177.1 - 069.177.4
Yarnall, Charlton
/ Yarnall Residence
Quantity: 10 items
069.33; 069.244
Yarnall, Charlton
/ Yarnall Residence
Quantity: 1 item
Braun, John F.
/ Braun Residence
Quantity: 9 items
069.38; 069.244
Sigma Phi Fraternity
/ Cornell University, Sigma Phi Fraternity House
Quantity: 3 items
Hartford Seminary Foundation
/ Hartford Seminary Foundation
Quantity: 4 items
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
/ Second Church of Christ, Scientist
Quantity: 6 items
069.136.1 - 069.136.6
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
/ Second Church of Christ, Scientist
Quantity: 12 sheets
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
/ Second Church of Christ, Scientist
Quantity: 22 items
069.71; 069.218
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Founders Hall (Liberal Arts Building)
Quantity: 1 item
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Founders Hall (Liberal Arts Building)
Quantity: 24 items
069.83; 069.227
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Hetty H. Green Hall / Administration Building
Quantity: 105 items
069.83; 069.98; 069.227
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Hetty H. Green Hall / Administration Building
Quantity: 23 items
069.158.1 - 069.158.17; 069.184.1 - 069.184.6
Yale University
/ Yale University, dormitory group
Quantity: 15 items
069.88; 069.230
Yale University
/ Yale University, dormitory group
Quantity: 10 items
069.160.1 - 069.160.9; 069.188.1
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Baker Laboratory (Chemistry)
Quantity: 6 items
069.103.1-069.103.3; 069.165.1-069.165.3
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Baker Laboratory (Chemistry)
Quantity: 25 items
069.45; 069.93; 069.198
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Club House
Quantity: 1 item
Sigma Phi Fraternity
/ Cornell University, Sigma Phi Fraternity House
Quantity: 3 items
069.110.1 - 069.110.3
Hartford Seminary Foundation
/ Hartford Seminary Foundation
Quantity: 4 items
069.112.1 - 069.112.3; 069.169.1
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Chemistry Laboratory
Quantity: 9 items
069.128.1 - 069.128.6; 069.173.1 - 069.173.3
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Chemistry Laboratory
Quantity: 34 items
069.69; 069.215
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Harter Dormitory
Quantity: 1 item
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Kent Dining Hall / Newcastle Hall / Sussex Hall
Quantity: 25 items
069.78; 069.223
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Kent Dining Hall / Newcastle Hall / Sussex Hall
Quantity: 1 item
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Wolf Hall
Quantity: 10 items
069.78; 069.223
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Wolf Hall
Quantity: 1 item
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Severance Hall (also known as East Dormitory)
Quantity: 16 items
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Severance Hall (also known as East Dormitory)
Quantity: 1 item
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Severance Hall (also known as East Dormitory)
Quantity: 50 items
069.83; 069.227
Yale University
/ Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History
Quantity: 15 items
069.162.1 - 069.162.14; 069.189.1
Yale University
/ Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History
Quantity: 20 items
Yale University
/ Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History
Quantity: 52 items
069.88; 069.230
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 11 items
069.141.1 - 069.141.11
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Memorial Library
Quantity: 56 items
069.78; 069.223
Yale University
/ Yale University, Lapham Field House
Quantity: 2 items
069.161.1 - 069.161.2
McCormick Theological Seminary
/ McCormick Theological Seminary
Quantity: 11 items
069.117.1 - 069.117.11
McCormick Theological Seminary
/ McCormick Theological Seminary
Quantity: 12 items
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Administration Building
Quantity: 6 items
069.140.1 - 069.140.6
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Gymnasium
Quantity: 6 items
069.142.1 - 069.142.6
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Social Center
Quantity: 3 items
069.143.1 - 069.143.3
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Women's Dormitory
Quantity: 9 items
069.144.1 - 069.144.9
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Nassau Hall, Memorial Hall; additions and alterations
Quantity: 5 items
069.132.1; 069.215
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Memorial Library
Quantity: 1 item
Sigma Phi Epsilon
/ University of Delaware, Sigma Phi Epsilon
Quantity: 4 items
069.78; 069.223
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Botany / Zoology Building
Quantity: 26 items
069.83; 069.227
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Botany / Zoology Building
Quantity: 6 items
069.156.1 - 069.156.5; 069.243
Yale University
/ Yale University, Lapham Field House
Quantity: 13 items
069.88; 069.230
Brown University
/ Brown University, Jesse Metcalf Memorial Laboratory of Chemistry
Quantity: 14 items
069.41; 069.91
Brown University
/ Brown University, Jesse Metcalf Memorial Laboratory of Chemistry
Quantity: 2 items
069.100.1; 069.100.2
Chester County Hospital
/ Chester County Hospital
Quantity: 1 item
Harris, Henry Frazier
/ Harris Residence, alterations and additions
Quantity: 2 items
Heyl, Jacob
/ Heyl Residence
Quantity: 3 items
069.60; 069.112.99; 069.204
Kingswood Boys Day School
/ Kingswood Boys Day School
Quantity: 1 item
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Ice House
Quantity: 3 items
President Woodrow Wilson
/ Wilson House
Quantity: 15 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, dormitory group (men's)
Quantity: 17 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Track House (Varsity Club)
Quantity: 10 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Track House (Varsity Club)
Quantity: 1 item
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, 1901 Hall / Laughlin Dormitory
Quantity: 20 items
069.69; 069.215
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, 1901 Hall / Laughlin Dormitory
Quantity: 9 items
069.127.1 - 069.127.9
Yale University
/ Yale University, Sterling Hall of Medicine and Power House
Quantity: 16 items
Yale University
/ Yale University, Sterling Hall of Medicine and Power House
Quantity: 8 items
069.163.1 - 069.163.8
Yale University
/ Yale University, Sterling Hall of Medicine and Power House
Quantity: 35 items
069.88; 069.230
Concordia Seminary
/ Concordia Seminary
Quantity: 47 sheets
Concordia Seminary
/ Concordia Seminary
Quantity: 52 items
069.44; 069.92; 069.197
Concordia Seminary
/ Concordia Seminary
Quantity: 23 items
069.164.1; 069.164.23
First Presbyterian Church
/ First Presbyterian Church
Quantity: 17 sheets
First Presbyterian Church
/ First Presbyterian Church
Quantity: 26 items
069.55: 069.201
University of Pennsylvania
/ Franklin Field
Quantity: 32 sheets
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Administration Building
Quantity: 7 items
069.63; 069.209
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, unidentified buildings
Quantity: 12 items
069.126.1; 069.214
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Library, additions and alterations
Quantity: 3 items
Winnetka Congregational Church
/ Winnetka Congregational Church
Quantity: 29 items
069.87; 069.229
Franklin and Marshall College
/ Franklin and Marshall College, Biesecker Gymnasium
Quantity: 1 item
Franklin and Marshall College
/ Franklin and Marshall College, Boiler (power) House
Quantity: 2 items
Franklin and Marshall College
/ Franklin and Marshall College, Dormitories - Dietz, Santee, Franklin, Meyran
Quantity: 9 items
069.57; 069.203
Franklin and Marshall College
/ Franklin and Marshall College, Dormitories - Dietz, Santee, Franklin, Meyran
Quantity: 1 item
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Engineering building
Quantity: 7 items
069.69; 069.215
St. Paul's School
/ St. Paul's School, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 2 items
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning
Quantity: 134 items
069.81; 069.97; 069.226
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning
Quantity: 4 items
069.182.1 - 069.182.4
Vanderbilt University
/ Vanderbilt University, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 2 sheets
Yale University
/ Yale University, Yale Field
Quantity: 1 item
Brown University
/ Brown University, John Rogers Hegeman Dormitory
Quantity: 31 items
069.39; 069.195
Brown University
/ Brown University, Littlefield Dormitory
Quantity: 9 items
069.40; 069.195
Drexel & Company
/ Drexel & Company Building
Quantity: 33 sheets
Drexel & Company
/ Drexel & Company Building
Quantity: 46 items
069.53; 069.94; 069.200
Franklin and Marshall College
/ Franklin and Marshall College, Hensel Auditorium
Quantity: 34 items
069.57; 069.203
University of Pennsylvania
/ Franklin Field
Quantity: 22 items
069.80; 069.225
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Psychology Building
Quantity: 7 items
069.69; 069.215
St. Paul's School
/ St. Paul's School, dormitory group (A & B houses)
Quantity: 1 item
St. Paul's School
/ St. Paul's School, dormitory group (Quad Houses)
Quantity: 33 items
069.72; 069.217
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Harter Dormitory
Quantity: 10 items
069.78; 069.223
Boy Scouts of America
/ Boy Scouts of America, Headquarters
Quantity: 6 sheets
Boy Scouts of America
/ Boy Scouts of America, Headquarters
Quantity: 80 items
069.37; 069.90; 069.194
University of Pennsylvania
/ Palestra and Hutchinson Gymnasium
Quantity: 31 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Lockhart Dormitory
Quantity: 40 items
069.69; 069.215
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Old College Hall, additions and alterations
Quantity: 15 items
069.78; 069.223
Forrest, Edwin
/ Forrest Home
Quantity: 16 items
069.56; 069.202
Lafayette College
/ Lafayette College, Heating Plant
Quantity: 1 item
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Main Hall and Dormitory
Quantity: 19 sheets
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Main Hall and Dormitory
Quantity: 27 items
069.64; 069.209
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Infirmary
Quantity: 5 items
University of Chicago
/ University of Chicago, dormitory group
Quantity: 41 items
069.77; 069.95; 069.221
University of Denver
/ University of Denver, Margery Reed Mayo Hall
Quantity: 8 items
069.79; 069.224
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Stone (Hazard)-Davis Hall
Quantity: 11 sheets
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Stone (Hazard)-Davis Hall
Quantity: 3 items
069.159.1 - 069.159.3
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Stone (Hazard)-Davis Hall
Quantity: 39 items
069.83; 069.227
Franklin and Marshall College
/ Franklin and Marshall College, Fackenthal Laboratories
Quantity: 28 items
069.57; 069.203; 069.245
Hill School
/ Hill School, Athletic Buildings (Gymnasium)
Quantity: 10 items
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company
/ Lakeside Press Building, additions and alterations
Quantity: 6 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 5 items
069.172.2; 069.214
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Grange Memorial Women's Dormitory
Quantity: 7 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Library (undergraduate)
Quantity: 12 items
University of Chicago
/ University of Chicago, Bernard A. Eckhart Hall (Mathematics)
Quantity: 21 items
University of Chicago
/ University of Chicago, Bernard A. Eckhart Hall (Mathematics)
Quantity: 4 items
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Chemical Laboratory
Quantity: 62 items
069.78; 069.223
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Chemical Laboratory
Quantity: 2 items
069.145.1; 069.146.1
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Mitchell Auditorium
Quantity: 24 items
069.78; 069.223
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Mitchell Auditorium
Quantity: 2 items
069.149.1 - 069.149.2
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Botany Building
Quantity: 3 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Power House
Quantity: 8 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Dickinson Hall
Quantity: 19 items
069.69; 069.215
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Dickinson Hall
Quantity: 1 item
Yale University
/ Yale University, Power House
Quantity: 2 items
Lafayette College
/ Lafayette College, dormitory group
Quantity: 2 items
069.62; 069.206
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, 1903-Walker Dormitories
Quantity: 9 items
069.69; 069.215
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 1 item
Thiel College
/ Thiel College, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 2 items
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Chemical Laboratory
Quantity: 4 items
069.78; 069.223
Yale University
/ Yale University, YMCA, additions and alterations
Quantity: 3 items
069.88; 069.230
Hill School
/ Hill School, Dormitory
Quantity: 3 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Fine Hall
Quantity: 9 items
069.69; 069.215
Staunton Military Academy
/ Staunton Military Academy, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 1 item
Drew University
/ Drew University, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 6 sheets
Drew University
/ Drew University, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 1 item
Drew University
/ Drew University, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 73 items
069.51; 069.199
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Sorority House Group
Quantity: 1 item
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Dodge Gateway
Quantity: 5 items
069.69; 069.215
U. S. Post Office
Quantity: 1 item
U. S. Post Office
Quantity: 2 items
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, Stephen C. Foster Memorial Building
Quantity: 4 items
069.183.1 - 069.183.4
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, Stephen C. Foster Memorial Building
Quantity: 7 items
Drew University
/ Drew University, Rose Memorial Library
Quantity: 57 sheets
Drew University
/ Drew University, Rose Memorial Library
Quantity: 56 items
069.52; 069.199
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Humanities Library
Quantity: 4 items
069.175.1 - 069.175.4
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Humanities Library
Quantity: 12 items
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Physics and Chemistry Building
Quantity: 1 item
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Physics and Chemistry Building
Quantity: 15 items
069.83; 069.98; 069.227
Wellesley College
/ Wellesley College, Physics and Chemistry Building
Quantity: 6 sheets
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Atherton Hall (women's dormitory)
Quantity: 17 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Atherton Hall (women's dormitory)
Quantity: 1 item
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, dormitory group
Quantity: 2 items
069.180.1 - 069.180.2
West Point Memorial, Competition
Quantity: 1 item
Wilson College
/ Wilson College, dormitory group, additions and alterations
Quantity: 1 item
Albion College
/ Albion College, Chapel
Quantity: 12 items
069.36; 069.190
Albion College
/ Albion College, Stockwell Memorial Hall (library and fine arts building)
Quantity: 14 sheets
Albion College
/ Albion College, Stockwell Memorial Hall (library and fine arts building)
Quantity: 2 items
Brown University
/ Brown University, Chemical Research Laboratory
Quantity: 8 items
Drew University
/ Drew University, auditorium building
Quantity: 1 sheet
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Agricultural Engineering Building
Quantity: 1 item
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Biological Sciences Building
Quantity: 1 item
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Chemistry and Physics building
Quantity: 1 item
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Electrical Engineering Building
Quantity: 3 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Forestry Building
Quantity: 2 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Health and Recreation Building
Quantity: 4 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Library
Quantity: 9 items
Thiel College
/ Thiel College, dormitory (women's)
Quantity: 7 items
Drew University
/ Drew University, Hoyt-Browne Hall, alterations and additions
Quantity: 4 sheets
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Carnegie Library, additions and alterations
Quantity: 2 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, dormitory
Quantity: 1 item
U. S. Department of Securities
/ U. S. Department of Securities building
Quantity: 1 item
Wilson College
/ Wilson College, dormitory group, additions and alterations
Quantity: 5 items
Drew University
/ Drew University, auditorium building
Quantity: 3 items
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Classroom and Laboratory Building
Quantity: 32 sheets
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Classroom and Laboratory Building
Quantity: 13 items
069.65; 069.209
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Library and Auditorium Building
Quantity: 1 item
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Recitation Hall
Quantity: 6 items
069.152.1 - 069.152.6
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Recitation Hall
Quantity: 6 items
Alma College
/ Alma College, Chapel
Quantity: 11 sheets
Alma College
/ Alma College, Chapel
Quantity: 2 items
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Administration and Classroom building
Quantity: 14 items
069.78; 069.223
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, Brown Hall (dormitory)
Quantity: 5 items
Wilson College
/ Wilson College, Student Alumnae Building
Quantity: 2 items
Moravian College
/ Moravian College, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 4 items
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, unidentified buildings
Quantity: 6 items
Drew University
/ Drew University, chapel
Quantity: 1 item
Drew University
/ Drew University, science building
Quantity: 4 sheets
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, N.R.O.T.C. building
Quantity: 4 items
Mount Union College
/ Mount Union College, Library
Quantity: 5 items
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Women's Dormitory
Quantity: 8 items
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, dormitory group
Quantity: 8 items
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, science building
Quantity: 5 items
Albion College
/ Albion College, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 3 sheets
Albion College
/ Albion College, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 14 items
069.36; 069.190
Albion College
/ Albion College, Seaton Hall (men's dormitory)
Quantity: 111 sheets
069.2; 069.3
Albion College
/ Albion College, Seaton Hall (men's dormitory)
Quantity: 5 items
Albright College
/ Albright College, Campus Development Plan
Quantity: 1 item
Albion College
/ Albion College, unidentified building
Quantity: 3 items
University of Colorado at Boulder
/ University of Colorado at Boulder, Student Union
Quantity: 4 items
Peddie School
/ Peddie School, Campus Development Plan and Campus Gateways
Quantity: 6 sheets
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Recitation and Laboratory Building
Quantity: 7 items
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Recitation and Laboratory Building
Quantity: 37 sheets
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, Recitation and Laboratory Building
Quantity: 9 items
069.116.3 - 069.116.11
Peddie School
/ Peddie School, Ayer Memorial Chapel
Quantity: 21 sheets
Peddie School
/ Peddie School, Ayer Memorial Chapel
Quantity: 4 items
Peddie School
/ Peddie School, Gymnasium
Quantity: 16 sheets
Peddie School
/ Peddie School, Gymnasium
Quantity: 4 items
First National Bank
/ First National Bank, additions and alterations
Quantity: 104 sheets
069.14; 069.15; 069.16
First National Bank
/ First National Bank, additions and alterations
Quantity: 5 items
Mercersburg Academy
/ Mercersburg Academy, miscellaneous projects
Quantity: 5 sheets
Albion College
/ Albion College, Wesley Hall (women's dormitory); alterations and additions
Quantity: 46 sheets
Albion College
/ Albion College, Goodrich Chapel
Quantity: 1 sheet
Albion College
/ Albion College, Goodrich Chapel
Quantity: 1 item
American Baptist Publication Society
/ American Baptist Publication Society, Headquarters building (Crozer Building)
Quantity: 1 item
Baltimore War Memorial, Competition
Quantity: 6 items
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Power Station
Quantity: 1item
Cornell University
/ Cornell University, Power Station
Quantity: 1 item
Drew University
/ Drew University, dormitory group
Quantity: 1 item
Drexel & Company
/ Drexel & Company Building
Quantity: 1 item
University of Pennsylvania
/ Franklin Field
Quantity: 3 items
069.154.1 - 069.154.3
Free Library of Philadelphia
/ Free Library of Philadelphia, Germantown Branch (Vernon Park Branch)
Quantity: 4 items
069.58; 069.204
University of Pennsylvania
/ Free Museum of Science and Art
Quantity: 1 item
Hill School
/ Hill School, Widener Science Building
Quantity: 14 items
Klauder, Charles Z.
/ Klauder Residence
Quantity: 15 items
Lafayette College
/ Lafayette College, John Markle Mining Engineering Hall
Quantity: 7 items
069.62; 069.114.1; 069.206
Lutheran Seminary
/ Lutheran Seminary
Quantity: 2 sheets
Madison Public Library
/ Madison Public Library
Quantity: 4 items
069.115.1 - 069.115.2; 069.231
Municipal Hospital for the District of Columbia
/ Municipal Hospital for the District of Columbia
Quantity: 4 items
069.118.1 - 069.118.2; 069.231
New York University, University Heights Campus
/ New York University, University Heights Campus
Quantity: 5 items
New York University, University Heights Campus
/ New York University, University Heights Campus, Chemical Laboratory
Quantity: 4 items
Oakley, Violet
/ Oakley Residence & Studio, "Cogslea"
Quantity: 13 items
Cassatt & Company
/ Offices, additions and alterations
Quantity: 1 item
Janney & Company
/ Offices, additions and alterations
Quantity: 2 items
University of Pennsylvania
/ Palestra and Hutchinson Gymnasium
Quantity: 18 items
069.80; 069.96; 069.206; 069.225
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Home Economics Building
Quantity: 9 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Main Engineering Building
Quantity: 16 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Mechanical Engineering Building, additions
Quantity: 2 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Mining Building
Quantity: 14 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Old Main
Quantity: 30 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Recreation Building (gymnasium)
Quantity: 6 items
Pennsylvania State College
/ Pennsylvania State College, Water Tower
Quantity: 3 items
Portraits of Frank Miles Day, Charles Z. Klauder, and Day & Klauder Office
Quantity: 38 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Boiler House
Quantity: 2 items
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, Joline Hall
Quantity: 11 items
069.69; 069.215
Princeton University
/ Princeton University, unidentified buildings
Quantity: 4 items
069.134.1 - 069.134.2
Richardson, Hugh
/ Richardson Residence
Quantity: 1 item
St. Paul's School
/ St. Paul's School, Lower School, Master's House, additions
Quantity: 1 item
St. Paul's School
/ St. Paul's School, Power House
Quantity: 3 items
St. Paul's School
/ St. Paul's School, Upper School, Master's House, additions
Quantity: 1 item
Thompson, Henry B.
/ Thompson Residence
Quantity: 10 items
U. S. Custom House, Competition
Quantity: 7 items
069.139.1 - 069.139.7
U. S. Custom House, Competition
Quantity: 2 items
University of Delaware
/ University of Delaware, unidentified buildings
Quantity: 4 items
069.153.1 - 069.153.4
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, fine arts building and museum
Quantity: 13 items
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, Heinz Memorial Chapel
Quantity: 11 items
University of Pittsburgh
/ University of Pittsburgh, Mellon Institute
Quantity: 2 items