Project |
Type |
Location |
Linnean Hill (HABS DC-168)
(3545 Williamsburg Lane Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Little River Inlet Bridge (HAER DC-39)
(Spanning Boundary Channel)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Lock Keeper's House (HABS DC-36)
(Seventeenth Street & Constitution Avenue, Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Loew's Palace Theatre (HABS DC-378)
(1306 F Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Logan Circle (HABS DC-339)
(Vermont Avenue, Rhode Island Avenue, & Thirteenth Street)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Long Bridge (HAER DC-50)
(Spanning Potomac River near Jefferson Memorial)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Longden House (HABS DC-194)
(1555 Thirty-fifth Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Longfellow Building
Washington, D.C.
Loughran Building (HABS DC-389)
(1347 E Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Lucius Tuckerman House (HABS DC-78)
(1600 I Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Luther Place Memorial Church (HABS DC-446)
(1226 Vermont Avenue, Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Lyceum Theatre
theater |
Washington, D.C.
Lyon's Mill Footbridge (HAER DC-35)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
M Street Bridge (HAER DC-37)
(Spanning Rock Creek & Potomac Parkway)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
M. E. Church Board of Temperance, Prohibition & Public Morals, Apartment House
Client: M. E. Church Board of Temperance, Prohibition & Public Morals |
apartment house |
Maryland Ave. near 01 St. NW
Washington, D.C.
M. E. Church Board of Temperance, Prohibition & Public Morals, Office Building
Client: M. E. Church Board of Temperance, Prohibition & Public Morals |
office building |
Maryland Ave. near 01 St. NW
Washington, D.C.
MacFarland Junior High School
school |
Washington, D.C.
Mackall Square (HABS DC-164)
(1633 Twenty-ninth Street, Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Mahorney-Harrington House (HABS DC-188)
(1423 Thirty-Sixth Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Mahorney-O'Brien House (HABS DC-198)
(3522 P Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Marcey-Payne Building (HABS DC-106)
(1321 1/2-1325 1/2 Wisconsin Avenue Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Marion Park (HABS DC-679)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Market Square (HABS DC-691)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Marlatt Residence
Client: Marlatt, Charles |
dwelling |
Washington, D.C.
Mary Ann Shadd Cary House (HABS DC-368)
(1421 W Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Mary Church Terrell House (HABS DC-367)
(326 T Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Mary Surratt Boarding House (HABS DC-787)
(604 H Street, Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Mary Switzer Building
office building |
(330 C Street, S.W.)
Washington, D.C.
Maryland Avenue (HABS DC-702)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Masonic Temple (HABS DC-218)
(F & Ninth Streets Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Massachusetts Avenue (HABS DC-703)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Massachusetts Avenue Bridge (HAER DC-22)
(Spanning Rock Creek & Potomac Parkway)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Mathew B. Brady Studio (HABS DC-295)
(625 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
McCarthy-Sullivan House (HABS DC-199)
(3623 O Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
McCleery House (HABS DC-162)
(1068 Thirtieth Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
McCormick Apartments (HABS DC-265)
(1785 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
McCutcheon Building (HABS DC-413)
(637 Indiana Avenue)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
McLachlen Banking Building
bank office building |
10th St. near 6th St.
Washington, D.C.
McPherson Square (HABS DC-680)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
McShain Office
Client: McShain, John |
Washington, D.C.
Medley-Sewell House (HABS DC-727)
(1545 Thirty-Fifth Street, Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Memorial Continental Hall (HABS DC-282)
(Seventeenth Street between C & D Streets Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Merchants & Mechanics Savings Bank (HABS DC-239)
(Seventh & G Streets Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Meridian Hill Park (HABS DC-532)
(Bounded by Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Euclid & W Streets, Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Meridian House (HABS DC-540)
(1630 Crescent Place Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Methodist Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals Hotel & Office Building
hotel office building |
(Third Street and Pennsylvania Avenue)
Washington, D.C.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South (HABS DC-451)
(900 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Methodist Episcopal Parsonage House (HABS DC-176)
(1221 Twenty-eighth Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Metropolitian A. M. E. Church (HABS DC-352)
(1518 M Street Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))
Michler Place (HABS DC-340)
(F Street between Seventeenth & Eighteenth Streets Northwest)
Washington, D.C. (Washington (District of Columbia))